Experiments in Motion
A collection of various quick experimentations I've pursued, utilising stock images or footage, and music from different sources. The credits I refer to below. 
I wanted to try my hand at making a video through the manipulation of a single image. I liked this image so I cut it up in Photoshop and animated it in After Effects, making up a narrative to suit, and matching it to music I remembered from a German wartime period movie I saw way back when.
Original Image - Zahia Dehar
Music – Comedian Harmonists
I love nostalgia, especially urban nostalgia. Long cruising city scenes from old Scorsece films, things like that. I used to follow this model on instagram and for some reason she once posted this vid of herself in a stationary car, lip-syncing some pop song. No idea why, but it had a really good stock footage feel to it.

Yes there were other reason why the video caught my eye, sue me, but I had been wanting to try and create a nostalgia style video, and I had also just discovered this freaken awesome track by Dean Blunt. It all seemed to fit, so I decided to pack it all together to make this. I slowed it all down and 'retrofied' it, blended Lindsay's footage with some stock footage of someone driving in LA, and I wrote a narrative to go with it.
I'm happy with the result. My videos receive the occasional comment here and there. So far the only comment I've ever gotten for this one is 'tits' from some random dude... which is fair enough. Despite this, however, this is by far my most watched video, like 'by far', nothing even comes close, and I think that's kinda lol. I personally don't have any religious foundations or influence in my background, so have no reason to find negatives or reluctance in sexualisation, but what I'm happy with here is the composition and hitting the nostalgic feel I was hoping to get.
IG footage – Lindsey Pelas 
Sunset Strip Footage -
Music – Dean Blunt
I've always liked this quote, so wanted to visualise it. Nothing much else than that.
Quote – Hunter S. Thompson
Music – David Wingo
I'm a writer first and foremost, and I've been preparing all the design and promotional material for my book series 'Jive Three-Five' which should release sometime early 2018. One of the things I'm doing is creating motioncovers to aid in its promotion, so I wanted to jump ahead and knock up some proof of concepts out of stock footage and a couple of existing covers, things like that. Naturally my own covers will entirely be my own work. Anyway, here are the results of that playing around.
I reached out to a few established book cover designers to possibly append my own services to theirs, and talking with one of them, did this proof of concept for one of her designs. I used the .psd of her cover, blended it with stock footage, made the earth graphics and things myself, and the music. In the end she was just stringing me along, and I guess just had trouble saying no to people, but it was all good because I was happy with the result. It was a proof of concept to myself, not only for motioncovers, but for making videos and music in general. The typography sucks, but I didn't keep the working file so can't update it unfortunately.
I do a few of these little experiments on occasion on my instagram feed @networkaaa

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